If you are ready to go on that weight-loss journey, then you need to be prepared mentally and physically that maybe you are going to face with certain difficulties in terms of adopting your organism on proper healthy eating habits and regular workouts.
Today, obesity is defined as a disease of the modern era and greater is the number of people who are facing with it. The same is the main cause for many health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Thus, if you are ready to fight against obesity and prevent your body from unlikely diseases and other health conditions, you need to start regulating your body weight and improve your metabolism.
If you start losing the extra weight, after a short time you will start feeling the benefits of it. Today’s article is here to present to you 7 simple recipes for healthy drinks that will help you on your weight-loss journey and will improve your digestion and metabolism overall.
1. Orange and Banana Smoothie
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– ½ cup of low-fat yogurt;
– 1 teaspoon of ginger; and
– 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix it. Then consume this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
2. Spicy Tea
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper;
– 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
– ½ lemon;
– 1 tablespoon of honey; and
– one glass of warm water.
Mix all the ingredients together and drink the content every morning on an empty stomach in order to improve your digestion and metabolism.
3. Mint Tea
For the preparation of this tea, you will need several lemon slices and a handful of mint leaves, so that you may fulfill 7 cups of green tea. Then leave the content overnight and start drinking this tea every morning on empty stomach. After several weeks of consummation, you will start to feel the benefits of this tea.
4. Fruit Smoothie
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– 1 cup of raspberries;
– 2 juiced grapefruits;
– 2 pineapple slices; and
– ½ glass of water.
You need to put all the ingredients into the blender and blend it. Then leave the content for several hours in the fridge. Start drinking the smoothie every morning, and you will see how your weight starts to lose after several weeks.
5. Strawberry Smoothie
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– 1 cup of strawberries;
– ½ cup of oatmeal;
– ¼ cup of flaxseeds;
– 1 cup of yogurt; and
– ½ litre of milk.
Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix the entire content. You will need to drink the smoothie after every meal. After 2 weeks you will start to feel the benefits of this mixture.
6. Apple Smoothie
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– 1 juiced grapefruit;
– 1 juiced lemon;
– 1 green apple;
– 1 cup of water; and
– 1 teaspoon of honey.
You will have to put all the ingredients into the blender and mix it. The content should be consumed every morning before your breakfast.
7. Chocolate Smoothie
The ingredients needed for this recipe are:
– a chocolate powder;
– ½ cup of oats;
– ½ liters of milk;
– ¼ cup of amaranth; and
– honey, as you wish.
Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix it. You will have to consume the smoothie every morning on an empty stomach.